How to make a website and funnel using AI tools?


Hello folks. How are you? I hope you all are doing well. So, Let’s dive into the topic.
We all know the importance of a website. If you have a business and if you try to expand your business and try to increase sales. There is a good alternative way which is the website. Who doesn’t need a website? A businessman, doctor, company, store everyone needs a website to enhance their businesses. But making a website is not a cup of tea. When I was new I always tried to find out how to create a website. I searched on Google different topics about websites and how to make them. But found it very difficult. Because when you want to make a website by yourself. Then you have to learn a lot of things, memorize them then apply those things. It takes a lot of hard work, patience, consistency and time.

Facing Problems While Making a Website In a Traditional Way

I didn’t have enough money to hire a developer to make a website for me. It also costs a lot of money which I didn’t have at that time. So I started to learn things by myself. First I learned a little bit about web designing. Then I switched to WordPress. It was already very hard work for me to manage all those things by myself.

The problem was getting bigger when I figured out that I needed a landing page, a thank you page for email marketing. For collecting their email and tracking them I also need an autoresponder which is not free. I have to pay for this every year. Then I had to purchase a landing page plugin, a theme plugin, and a lot of stuff which cost me a lot of money. One day when I visited my website. The website was crashed. I tried to find out the reason. Then I understood the problem was in the backend of my website. As I am not a technician guy and don’t know much about coding and programming. So My website remained shut down for a few weeks.

Using AIFunnels Tool For Website

Then one day one of my friends heard about that incident and suggested me a tool. He was also a newbie in this sector but the astonishing thing is he was doing great in this sector. Even he was free all the day. He didn’t need to audit his site. Even he didn’t spend a single penny on the landing page, thank you page, autoresponder. Moreover, the tool that he was using has the capability to write content by itself. The content was SEO-friendly. Ranking on Google. Even the tool has a lot of versatility, paraphrasing techniques, and so on.

I was so wondering to see that the tools are all in a package. All you have to just a few simple clicks. And the AI will do all the work for you. The tool’s name is AI Funnels. He suggested that tool. Believe me, the day when I started using that tool. My work become easier. The AI tools did all the work for me like SEO, automatic content writing, making landing pages, auto-responding, and other work. The AI tools were a life savior for me. It saves a lot of money of mine which I spent on other activities like marketing my product.

Why you will love AIFunnels Tool?

1) Easily Launch Funnel

You don’t need to hassle making a sales funnel. There is an AI called Eva. You will need to just instruct her. She will do all the work for you

2) Make More Profit

As I said before by using AI Funnel. You save a lot of time and you can concentrate on other work like branding or marketing your products. Furthermore. Ai funnel has the capability to make landing pages according to different niches and products. It doesn’t matter what niche your product is. Ai funnel gives you the best one.

3) Start Your Business Quickly

Business is all about momentum. If you want to catch the momentum. You have to do things quickly. The right time and right place. If you have the Ai Funnel tool. You can start any kind of business as you want. Cause you don’t need to think about twice your resources. The AI funnel is ready for your instruction. You just need three simple clicks and your work will be done.

How does AIFunnels work?

Ai Funnels is a cloud base software that can create a website, sales page, landing page, thank you page, and build-in auto responder within three simple steps


Step one is finding the best funnel with Eva which is a built-in AI assistant. You can chat with Eva and create your funnel by just giving a few simple questions like choosing your goal, and your business category, and you just choose what you want to create. Boom! Eva will do all the hard work for you finding out the best funnel that is suite for your business.


You can edit and customize your content whenever you want. You can write the same content in different ways with the help of chat GPT which is built in AI Funnel. Ai funnel creates any kind of writing it doesn’t matter whereas copywriting, testimonials, FAQ, meta tags, meta titles, or meta descriptions. The possibility is actually endless cause you can customize it if you want.


Step 3 is publishing. You can publish what you make. You can publish your page without any domain or hosting. Yes, you heard it right. You don’t need to any domain or hosting. Because Ai Funnel has already DFY (Done For You) web hosting as well.

Features of AI Funnels

Funnel Assistant That Does The Heavy Lifting For You – Ultrabot
Drag And Drop Builder
17 Custom Building Blocks
Over 100 Custom Navigation Blocks
Create Your Own Lead Pages
Collect Unlimited Leads
100 Funnels (Landing Page + Thank You Page Or Custom Url) – Choose Over Any
8 Autoresponders Integration + 8 Incoming Update
Export List As Csv
10 Done For You Review Pages
Recommended 10 Reseller Products To Promote
Almost 50 Projects/Campaigns
Totally 50 Subdomains
Overall 50 Custom Domains
Niches Or All Niches
Squeeze Page / Bridge Page
Landing Page
Opt-In Pages
Social Gates
About Me Pages
Sales Pages
Coming Soon Pages

Local Marketing Pages
Membership Pages
Bonus Pages
Jv Invite Page
E-commerce Pages
Launch Pages
Upsell Pages
Training Series

You can see there is a lot you can do with AIFunnels. The possibilities are totally depending on you how you try to use it. I know the sufferings of newcomers in this field. Cause I had the same suffering. And to be honest I don’t want to people face those problems that I had faced. Using AIfunnels has no loss to you. Cause it has a money-back guarantee. So you have nothing to lose. I believe it will help you a lot and help you to grow your business. Best of luck.
Signing out- Zubayar.

AIFunnels FAQ

1) What is AIfunnels?
Answer-AIfunnels is an AI-based software that creates your website, pages, and funnels automatically.
2) Can I make money with AiFunnels?
Answer- Obviously you can. You can make pages, websites, and funnels for yourself and also for your clients easily without having any hassle. And thus you can make money.
3) Does AIfunnels have a money-back policy?
Answer- Yes. It has a money-back guarantee within 30 days after purchasing the products.

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