How to Overcome FOMO in Trading?

Overcome FOMO in Trading

FOMO means fear of missing out is very common in trading. Whether it is the stock market, forex, crypto, or commodities. Most of the traders face this problem almost every day. FOMO is a very highly valuable skill for traders. Not only does FOMO have a negative impact, but it also could be judgment which

Patience in Forex Trading

Patience in Forex Trading

Patience is a virtue in forex Trading that you have to achieve it through patience. Sounds difficult right? But not exactly. If you do these things that we will discuss then you completely master this virtue. A successful trader requires versatile skills. Patience is one of them. Patience in forex trading is one of the

Risk-Reward Ratio

Risk-Reward Ratio

What is the Risk-Reward Ratio? The risk/reward ratio shows the potential reward an investor can earn for each dollar of investment risked. Many investors use the risk/reward ratio to compare the expected return of an investment with the level of risk they must accept to achieve that return. A lower risk/reward ratio is often preferred